Friday, April 1, 2011


Like I said, it isn't the worst thing in the world. I was actually asleep this time. I have no idea how long he was out here before he started making enough noise to wake Me up. He didn't scream or cry, he just made noise, as we all do when we are awake.

Watching Iron Chef again. We have never figured out precisely why, but he has always loved the Food Network, he smiles and laughs through most of the shows and we have it pinned tot he bright colors they tend to use or the loud voices the hosts use. Either way, in it's own way it has saved me a lot of grief.

Tomorrow I start My work cycle again, Friday, Sunday and Tuesday evenings. I wish I could say that I was content with the hours I get, however one takes what one can when one can get it. If nothing else, it will help me tone up, it is about a mile there and back I have to walk and I am on My feet lifting for pretty much the entire night.

Why am I obsessed with My Vineyard on Facebook?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Delights of 5 A.M.

I am not bitching really, My youngest is Autistic, he has no idea that it is 5, or that was a little after one hen Mommy brought him out, or that Daddy was just getting to sleep in a surprising twist of fate.

He just doesn't know.

I do though.

I have watched Bobby Flay and Robert Irvine, the Magic Bullet, Ninja and H2O Mop. I know it is a boring revue, but in the end, it has uncovered to me a universal truth.

I have a little over 1300 channels and I CHOSE to watch what I just listed.

Do that put in a pipe thing.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dosing Instructions, Fatigue and Bowling

I have never been one to actually follow those labels on the back on pill bottles. Being of the philosophy that if two aspirin will make me feel a little better than I guarantee that ten will make me stand up, salute and sing a song of sixpence.

So, Aleve says you are supposed to take two pills every twelve hours. So, being the somewhat intelligent man I am, I do a little math and determine that if I take four of them every six hours, then I will really get an awesome dose. True they make me a little lightheaded, but they make My kneecaps stop from swelling tot he size of grapefruits and make it possible for Me to walk a little bit after work each night.

I got home this morning and was on the floor exhausted. It was just the two of us there last night and we had a huge truck come in. Mind you, it is a little supermarket for the chain, but 8000 cases is still a lot to put up in 8 hours. I threw about six and a half Myself and Gary, My younger, slightly retarded partner in crime, did the rest. I am not cocky when I say that it is actually because I am taller. He cannot put the forty pounds of dog food eight feet in the air, I can.

I crapped out for a whopping three and a half hours and found Myself awake. What disturbs Me the most about that fact is that I will complain for the next two days, My days off, about how tired I am. My brain will not allow Me to sleep, so after awhile I give up the ghost.

Tonight, I am going bowling. I haven't been bowling in ten years and I am looking forward to it. I am in agonizing pain, but the four of us get to do so little as a family as of late, I refuse to pass up an opportunity, even if I have to walk there and back.

Love, Laughs, Hugs and BearHugs to all who want and need them.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Night

Since I have to go to work this evening I thought I would give you guys a glimpse into the inner workings of an overnight stock clerk. Be prepared to get so blown away that you will not quite comprehend what has happened for some time after.

I begin work at eleven each evening, not liking to be late int he slightest, I get their way early. Plus, since I have no car, it is just easier to leave earlier when I have even a glimmer of desire to actually go and do My job.

As the shift starts, the mystery unfolds.

I put things on shelves until 7:30 the next morning.

I know, take a minute and accept what you just saw. It is liking taking those badass pills Morpheus has in The Matrix.

Then, exhausted and sore from stretching, I get to walk the mile and a half home, in the oddly bitter spring that Western New York has offered Me.

What say you, truly exquisite is it not?

So I am here now

I got bored and decided to make a new blog. I know, I never write on the blog I have, but I need to have another one because the Internet cannot complete it's day without Me saying something trite and over emotional.

Really though, this blog is about Me doing Me things. Not My passions and hates, just Me.

For example.

I went out to an early lunch with Naomi this morning. It is nice to simply go out, have a sandwich and talk about things without hearing the screaming blessings of your children, the well meant concerns of your sister and the over-loud whining of your distant and corrosive little brother.

I got this job where I am essentially a stock clerk overnight at a supermarket. It is pathetically easy work for the same adjective laden pay. I am looking for something else trust Me, I have simply decided to go with it you know.

I have to thank Misti for getting Me in the blogging for fun mood. It helps Me get the thoughts out of My head and doesn't let them fester, as they are wont to do.

Now you all lub one another cause I lub you.

Kaobear - James - Me